Friday, 11 December 2015

Advent Calendar, days 3 and 10: Arcobräu and Wolferstetter

I'm catching up on the advent calendar by having two daily beers - the one for today, and one that I missed, in order. Had I not been on my way to Germany on the 3rd, I would have been drinking Arcobräu Weizen Dunkel. Now, a little bird, or rather the internet, tells me that this beer is also available as Waitrose's own label Bavarian Dunkel Weissbier. When I had that beer last May, I felt it was a little dull, so either the Waitrose beer is a different recipe, or it's improved since then. This bottle, under Arcobräu's own branding, was a full-bodied dark wheat beer with noticeable, though subtle, berry flavours. Back to Waitrose then, purely to be sure, you understand.

Arcobräu also produce a highly-regarded alcohol-free wheat beer, which is on my "to try" list. Given that most of the Weizen Dunkel went over me, and the floor, perhaps that's what I should have been drinking last night!

One of my hopes for the advent calendar is that it would introduce me to some beers I'd not had, and some breweries I'd never heard of, and so far it's doing a good job of that. The folk over at Wolferstetter introduced themselves by presenting a free lesson in distinguishing between an f and a long s in Fraktur. Once I'd worked out the name of the brewery, I could check them out. They brew a wide range of products - all of the usual suspects and a few others too. They consider their Export Hefe Weizen to be an absolutely typical example of the style. It certainly had all the citrus excitement going on, though I felt it was a little thin. Perhaps a beer for the summer months?

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